Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)

Science & Technology for National Development

Science for Society : Innovation for Prosperity

Wind Energy

Dr. Iswor Bajracharya

Email: [email protected]


eliable data is a must to assess the natural resources. There are large number of potential locations where we can harvest wind energy to generate electricity. However, we lack the reliable wind velocity data. In order to bridge this gap, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology has initiated Wind Energy Program under the Faculty of Technology in order to assess the wind power potential of Nepal.

As of now, Wind Energy Laboratory of NAST has already erected three towers at Dang (30 m) , Pyuthan (30 m) and Kavre (50 m) to measure the wind velocity including other meteorological parameters like solar radiation, temperature, humidity and pressure. The tower at BataseDanda in Kavre district has been commissioned recently. We are now organizing the collected data. Later these data will be used for mapping the wind power potential of Nepal.

Following are our future plan in our program:

  • To establish a Wind tunnel experimental laboratory in NAST premises
  • Design of wind turbine blade
  • Research on hybrid wind-rickshaw

Team Memeber

1. Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhungel

2. Dr. IsworBajracharya

3. Er. Manoj Kumar Shah

    RTP Gacor

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